The Mother Of All Losses

The Mother Of All Losses | S2E6 | Beth & Bex & Cathy

Episode Summary

In a longer Mother's Day special, Anna and Emily are joined by Anna's childhood friends Beth and Bex, who talk about their mum - and close friend of Anna's mum, Sue - Cathy. They discuss Cathy's magical qualities and the importance of carrying on the legacy of her dark, upfront humour in their Dead Mums' Club. Beth and Bex also share their experiences on what to do to take care of yourself or someone else who's grieving a mum around Mother's Day.

Episode Notes

To get in touch with the podcast, you can email us at themotherofalllosses [at] gmail [dot] com or sling us a Tweet @TMOALPod.

Produced by Chris Thorburn. With thanks to Hannah Trevarthen.

Yours in grief, A & E xx